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vestido geométrico

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Por fin ha llegado el calor, estamos con temperaturas de verano y a mí ya me  apetece recurrir a looks sencillos compuestos por un vestido , cuñas y bolso bandolera!! Así le dejo todo el protagonismo al vestido y son looks con los que siempre se acierta y son fáciles de pensar esos días que nos sabes que ponerte!;) Este look es el que me puse el domingo para disfrutar de un riquísimo brunch mexicano en La Moraleja, donde disfrutamos de un día espectacular y una comida deliciosa! 

Finally the warm weather arrived to Spain, it’s spring but we are like in summer with this warm temperatures so I took advantage to use this basic compounds outfit as a dress, wedges shoes and a great shoulder bag!! So I leave the focus to the dress with this kind of outfits with which there is a succeeds for sure and are easy to wear those days when we don’t know what to wear! This look is what I wore last Sunday to enjoy a delicious Mexican brunch in La Moraleja (Madrid), where we enjoyed an amazing day with a delicious meal!

 photo how to wear trends style summer.jpg  photo bolso tous pulseras swarovski.jpg  photo street style trends tendencias.jpg  photo fashion bloggers street style tous.jpg  photo cunas pura lopez zapatos tendencias.jpg

vestido geométrico

vestido/dress: Trucco

bolso/handbag: Tous

cuñas/shoes: Pura López
